This event is hosted by Change the Stage, a community of event professionals who have pledged to create a more inclusive stage. You can learn more about Change the Stage at
What is this event about?
As event professionals, we have control over the voices seen and voices heard on stages. We affect who is featured in content. It is time for us to commit to solutions around inclusivity, and it is our responsibility to provide opportunities for underrepresented groups to share their voice.
Change the Stage invites the global community of event professionals to join us for our first session, Sit Down to Stand Up. Together, we will define the challenges we face in creating inclusive events and identify the next steps to create a more diverse and representative stage.
Yes, there will be a global chat available during the sessions.
This two-hour event will feature event professionals and DEI professionals and will include an interactive breakout session.
You can access the event from wherever you are! Head to BLANK to register.
The event will be hosted on Matchbox Virtual Media’s Spaces platform.
Google Chrome will give you the most enjoyable user experience on event days. To download Chrome onto your computer please follow this link: Chrome for your PC; Chrome for your Mac.
Email your question to If you’re asking, you’re not the only one, and you will help us make our Q&A complete!