Listen, Learn, Lead
Theta Chi has developed Resolute Men throughout our history as a fraternity. We value the opportunity to grow our members personally and professionally. Our monthly webinar series offers leadership development, career readiness, and a wealth of knowledge from alumni and other professionals. Take advantage of this series that is unique and exclusive to the members of Theta Chi.
Amplify Theta Chi
This virtual session will cover best practices, resources, and goals for chapter/colony recruitment efforts for the spring 2022 academic year.

Our Sacred Purpose
This virtual training is an abridged version of the in-person Our Sacred Purpose conference held in St. Louis, MO. During this webinar, you will be equipped to become an effective Vice President of Health and Safety for your Chapter/Colony by learning about updates to a restructured Sacred Purpose program. We will take a dive into each individual topic area and review the learning outcomes for the restructured format of Sacred Purpose, as well as provide you with best practices to carry out a successful term.

Sasser Presidents Conference 2022: Presidents 101
This session will cover the policies and guidelines of Theta Chi Fraternity, how to be an effective leader, and networking with other Chapter/Colony Presidents.

Marshals Summit
This session will serve as the make up conference for those that were unable to attend the Marshals Summit in person. We will learn what it means to be a Marshal and how to best implement The Resolute Journey with fidelity.

Theta Chi Financials Webinar
This webinar will be going over fees from the International Headquarters and what they pertain to, how to pay off invoices, Theta Chi’s delinquency policies, filing a 990 for a chapter, and budgeting best practices.

An Engineer’s Non-Engineering Journey and Thoughts on Personal Development
Jim Durkin graduated with an Industrial Engineering degree from Purdue University in 1982. He worked for a large global consulting firm prior to co-founding The Martec Group in 1985. Jim will share his experiences and thoughts on:
• Consulting as a career choice for those with an engineering degree
• Business start-up and 35+ year professional journey
• Keys to success and personal development

Servant Leadership: How to Live Our Motto
Within our organizations, many people will mistake the people in power for leaders. It is easy to assume the loudest voice in the room is the most meaningful or important. Some of us will hold back our visions or dreams for the fraternity because we believe we can’t make a difference.
This session is intended to encourage and uplift all brothers in assuming responsibility for the success of our fraternity. By understanding your pivotal role as a brother, with or without a formal position, you will be empowered to act.
During this session, attendees will:
• understand the concept of Servant Leadership and how to act on its principles
• learn more about themselves, what they value, and how our fraternity values overlap those values
• reframe their vision of leadership to include all individuals within an organization

Cory Loveless
Former Theta Chi Leadership and Education Consultant
High School Math Teacher at West Fargo High School
An Opportunity Unlike Any Other: Recruitment Planning and Coaching
To have a successful recruitment, you must stand out from the competition. Learn what it takes to develop brand equity and connection to your potential new members.
• Share what recruitment strategies are working and how to implement them at your chapter.
• Learn how to manage and engage your chapter brothers in the recruitment process.
• Discuss what it takes to tackle this semester with a competitive recruitment mindset.

Leveling Up Your Chapter: Goal Setting
What challenges does your chapter face? Does everyone pay dues? Do you struggle with poor attendance? How do you decide where to spend your budget? Are you perceived as one of the best chapters on campus? Do you aspire to win the Alter Award?
Level up your chapter through goal setting. By aligning your chapter brothers with a common purpose, you’ll discover how “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
During this interactive session current chapter leadership, alumni advisers, and aspiring leaders will:
- learn how goal setting can solve some of the most common challenges your chapter faces,
- practice the process of goal setting, and
- discover how to prioritize your goals and translate them into strategic action.
“I shall do all in my power to perpetuate its ideals.” –The Creed of Theta Chi

James Black
Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives and Grad Life
Georgia Tech Office of Graduate Studies
A Strategic Approach to Improving Chapter GPA
While it takes a lot more than “tips and tricks” to improve a chapter grade point average, it’s not that hard to have an effective chapter scholarship program. This session is not a “how to get better grades” review for individual students; it is a guide for a Scholarship Chairman, or anyone interested in making sure the chapter has a strong GPA.
- Learn why advice others gave you is probably wrong.
- Build a culture that lives up to our Creed and fosters academic achievement.
- Introduction of the “Aristotle System”, a unique platform for a modern scholarship program.

Managing Your Personal Finances or "I, Inc."
This program will offer tips and advice from a brother who has made plenty of mistakes in his life and learned how to make the most of his money. It is a course that they don’t teach in most business schools: “How to manage yourself.”
- It doesn’t matter how much you make; it matters how much you don’t spend.
- You can invest money many times, but you can only spend it once.
- Learn how to be a productive philanthropist.
“I give away thousands of dollars every year, and I still have more money at the end of the year than I did at the beginning.”

How to Foster Flexible Leadership in Times of Instability
Traditional approaches just do not seem to fit any more. We stay at home, we stay in, and we are probably ZOOMED to death. This session will explore the leadership characteristics that seem to make sense during difficult or turbulent times.
- Remain flexible, yet focused.
- Demonstrate leadership in a virtual world.
- Practice resilience.
- Learn from your mistakes.
Let’s pause and take some time to discuss what seems to be working and not working.