Bethany Petty

Bethany Petty

Central School District

Bethany Petty is a Christian, mother, wife, blogger, author, award-winning high school Social Studies teacher and professor of educational technology. She provides professional development for schools in Missouri and around the country focusing on intentional technology integration to enhance learning. Bethany is a Google for Education Certified Trainer and Innovator, Nearpod PioNear, Edpuzzle Pioneer, and maintains a well-known blog, Teaching with Technology ( Bethany has published two books focusing on intentional technology integration and student choice, Illuminate: Technology Enhanced Learning and Create: Illuminate Student Voice Through Student Choice. She enjoys exercising, watching Jane Austen shows, Outlander, volunteering in her church, and drinking huge amounts of coffee. Bethany, her husband, Issac, and their daughters, Hanna and Molly, live in Farmington.