DeAnna Hoskins
JustLeadership USA
DeAnna Hoskins is President of JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA). Dedicated to cutting the U.S. correctional population in #halfby2030, JLUSA empowers people most affected by incarceration to drive policy reform. A nationally recognized leader and dynamic public speaker, Ms. Hoskins has been committed to the movement for justice, working alongside people impacted by incarceration for nearly two decades. She was formerly the Senior Policy Advisor over Corrections and Reentry with the Department of Justice. In this capacity, she represented DOJ’s strategies and priorities and oversaw the Second Chance Act portfolio of grants, The National Reentry Resource Center and Residential Substance Abuse Treatment programs. She has experienced the reentry system from all perspectives as she is herself a previously incarcerated individual who has successfully transitioned back into the community, ultimately receiving a pardon from Governor Ted Strickland.