Heather Philp

Heather Philp

Product Management Manager
Wells Fargo Bank

Heather Philp is a seasoned strategic business executive with extensive experience building new products, markets and transforming businesses. She is currently the Senior Vice President of Cross Product and New Product Development Strategies for Wells Fargo Direct Distribution Credit Cards. She has Product Management responsibility for all non-cobranded credit cards including College, Secured, and Mass Market products. She oversees all aspects of product management from product structure, target segments, pricing, product experience, new product development, as well as enhancement benefits associated with all credit cards. A veteran in the credit card business, Heather joined Wells Fargo in 2013 to lead product management for the mass market credit cards. Her responsibility has expanded over the years to include the College, Secured, New Product Development, and Enhancement products. Prior to joining Wells Fargo, Heather held a number of positions at JPMorgan Chase, Citi, Fleet and AT&T Universal Credit card. She received her MBA from the University of North Florida and has a Bachelor’s in Business and Psychology. She is extremely passionate about financial literacy and believes in the power of understanding the impact it has on people’s lives. She has taught classes at her local high school on the topic.