Jennifer Chadwick

Jennifer Chadwick

Lead Accessibility Strategist and Policy and Standards Advisor on Digital Accessibility for North America

Jennifer Chadwick is Siteimprove’s Lead Accessibility Strategist and Policy and Standards Advisor on digital accessibility for North America. A user experience designer of websites and mobile applications and a certified web usability analyst for over 12 years, she guides organizations in creating their roadmap for digital accessibility and legal compliance through a process of adopting, implementing, and delivering inclusive design practices into their operations and culture. An invited expert of the W3C and other standards bodies, she is an active contributor to resource materials for website professionals to meet legal standards in Canada and the US under the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. She is a member of a UN Global Compact company through Siteimprove and has spoken at the UN’s annual Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP) and at this year’s Digital Accessibility Legal Summit (DALS2020) on disability rights and laws in Canada.