Kalina Bacher-René

Kalina Bacher-René

Directrice Accès à la profession
Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)

Kalina Bacher-René joined the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) in 2015. She currently heads projects aimed at facilitating international mobility and understanding the frontiers of engineering. She has also led and implemented two major innovative projects that changed the way the OIQ admits individuals to the profession. Thanks to these initiatives, its admission process benefits from a more personalized approach, where weight is given to applicants? academic and professional experience, as well as a system for evaluating their knowledge, which enables the OIQ to issue permits to engineers who meet professional and technical competency requirements. Kalina holds a Bachelor of Management and will soon earn her Master of Organizational Development from HEC Montréal. Prior to joining the OIQ, Kalina worked in the areas of retail marketing, non-profit organizations and education. During this time, she spearheaded a number of projects in business development, customer service, marketing, change manage