Kara Burns

Kara Burns

Kara Burns is a licensed veterinary technician with a master’s degree in physiology and a master’s degree in counseling psychology. She began her career in human medicine working as an emergency psychologist. She made the move to veterinary medicine and worked in small animal private practice and a small animal and avian practice in Maine. Kara is the Founder and President of the Academy of Veterinary Nutrition Technicians, the tenth recognized specialty for veterinary technicians and has attained her VTS (Nutrition). She teaches nutrition courses around the world on digital platforms and in person. She also is a consultant for the Lafeber Company/Emeraid and is Director of Veterinary Nursing for NAVC Publishing and is editor in chief of Today’s Veterinary Nurse. Kara also works as an independent nutritional consultant. Kara is a member of many national, international, and state associations and holds positions on numerous boards. She has authored many articles, textbooks, and textbook chapters and is an internationally invited speaker focusing on topics of nutrition, leadership, and technician utilization.