Kelly Piasentin
Lead Psychometrician
Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators
Kelly Piasentin is currently the Lead Psychometrician for the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR), a not-for-profit organization that develops and administers the national licensure examination for physiotherapy professionals. Part of her role at CAPR is to evaluate the validity, reliability, and fairness of the Physiotherapy Competency Examination, ensuring each aspect of its development, administration and scoring conforms to industry testing standards. Kelly has provided psychometric expertise to licensure and certification organizations since 2006. Prior to joining CAPR in 2019, Kelly was employed as a Senior Psychometrician for Yardstick Assessment Strategies, where she worked on credentialing assessments for diverse professions in healthcare and government sectors. She received a Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational psychology from the University of Calgary in 2007.