Louise Aerts

Louise Aerts

Registrar/Executive Director
College of Midwives of British Columbia

Louise Aerts joined the College of Midwives of British Columbia (CMBC) in October 2014 as the Registrar/Executive Director. In this role she provides strategic leadership, organizational and financial management, and carries out the duties set out for the registrar in the Health Professions Act and the College Bylaws.

Louise has over 10 years of Executive Director level experience in various non-profit environments such as education, arts, and health related causes. After completing her Masters of Business Administration, Louise devoted her career to the non-profit sector. The CMBC is continually working towards regulatory excellent and Louise is helping to move the board to a risk-based regulation framework. Louise is highly committed to professional self-regulation and governing the practice of health professionals in the public interest, fairness in decision-making and due process, and interprofessional collaboration.