Matt Michelson

Matt Michelson

Director of Education Policy

Matt Michelson is the Director of Education Policy at the Missouri State Teachers Association, the largest education association in the state. As MSTA’s chief lobbyist at the Missouri Capitol, Matt advocates on behalf of MSTA’s 47,000 educators working to connect politicians to teachers, help improve education through funding initiatives or supporting programs. Matt also advocates on behalf of MSTA members outside of the Capitol, in such places as the State Board of Education, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri. Another important function of his department is to assist MSTA’s political action committee on decisions regarding fundraising and campaign support. As a licensed auctioneer, Matt has found his auction skills handy in inspiring bidders when raising funds for the committee at live events. Before he joined MSTA, Matt spent 12 years working in the Missouri Senate, including eight years as chief of staff to Sen. David Pearce. In addition to working in the legislature, Matt has worked on political campaigns across the state of Missouri. Matt graduated from Jefferson City High School and earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Westminster College in Fulton. He and his wife, Melissa, live in Columbia with their two Yorkshire Terriers, Noodles and Gator.