Michael Caffaro

Michael Caffaro

Assistant Registrar and Complaints Director
College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta

Michael Caffaro is a family physician, a graduate from the University of Alberta Family Medicine Program which included one further year of surgical training. He practiced in rural Alberta for over two decades providing full-spectrum “cradle-to-grave” care until his return to Edmonton in 2015 and the CPSA. He currently oversees the management of 850+ complaints per year, as well as the prosecution of those matters deemed worthy of discipline; he also remains an associate clinical professor with the Department of Family medicine at the University of Alberta.
When not guiding his fellow professionals and the patients of Alberta, Michael can usually be found on some sort of bicycle or similar mode of transportation that does not involve an internal combustion engine. This includes his pride and joy, a modified fat bike which can transport upwards of 36 bottles of craft beer at a time.