Mr. Jonathan Dubue

Mr. Jonathan Dubue

Jonathan Dubue is 4th year doctoral candidate at the University of Alberta’s CPA-accredited Counselling Psychology program. His SSHRC- and Killiam-funded research examines how psychologists in Canada practice, train, and experience suicide risk assessment and management, the results of which has informed 15+ suicide prevention guest lectures and workshops. He has sat on suicide prevention boards at the university, municipal, and provincial level, and collaborated with health authorities to promote better suicide prevention practice. By the 2022 CAP Professional Development Event, he will also have completed his residency at the Edmonton Clinical Psychology Consortium, leaving only “one more paper” before graduating. Outside of academics, Jonathan loves Tabletop Role-Playing games (e.g., Dungeons and Dragons), pretending to be an amateur photographer, and using too many exclamation marks in emails.