Roslyn Grinberg
Board Chair
Valley Beth Shalom Harold M. Schulweis Day School
Roslyn is the current President of the VBS Day School Board of Trustees. As a 1985 graduate of the Day School and a lifelong member of the synagogue, she is still inspired by her 6th grade hero, Golda Meir. She earned her bachelor’s degree at U.C. San Diego and later completed her master’s degree in public policy at the University of Southern California. Her career began in Atlanta, Georgia where she worked on a state initiative to reform long term care policy. She eventually moved into the private health care sector at Cohn & Wolfe and then Edelman Public Relations, in New York City, where she led corporate communications initiatives for health care clients. A few years after Roslyn and David were married they decided to move closer to her family in Los Angeles, where she furthered her career in health care communications at Fischer Healthcare Communications and eventually in house at Amgen. Roslyn has served on the Board of Trustees in various capacities for the past seven years. For the past 4 years she served as the Administrative Vice President. She played an active role in taking the school to new heights while helping lead the Head of School search in 2018, but she still thinks her job has just begun! Roslyn and David have three children: Ily is a 2016 graduate, Shayna is a 2019 graduate and Maya is in 5th grade at VBS Day School.