Sarah Boblenz

Sarah Boblenz

Sarah Boblenz is an Iowa native and started her career with DEA in 2003. She spent 12 years as a Diversion Investigator, conducting inspections and diversion investigations in Iowa, Tennessee and New Delhi, India, before returning to Des Moines to supervise the Des Moines Resident Office Diversion Group. Ms. Boblenz also served as the Acting Section Chief of the Policy Section at DEA Headquarters in Washington D.C., from 2019-2020. This unit reviews and manages complex regulatory questions surrounding the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, and disposal of legally produced controlled substances and listed chemicals. In August of 2020, Ms. Boblenz was promoted to Diversion Program Manager of the DEA Omaha Field Division. The Omaha Diversion Control Program is comprised of three diversion groups in Omaha, Minneapolis, and Des Moines, as well as four Tactical Diversion Squads in Omaha, Minneapolis, Des Moines, and Sioux Falls. These groups conduct their investigations throughout Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. Ms. Boblenz is responsible for overseeing and coordinating major investigations; regulating and maintaining liaison with the pharmaceutical industry; as well as collaborating with state regulatory boards, federal agencies, and with state and local law enforcement agencies.