Sarah Levitt
Author and Founder
Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum
A trusted and strategic guide to the c-suite, Sarah Levitt brings out the very best in the very best executives in the world. She applies keen insight, wit, and more than 20 years of business experience to her work with CEOs, corporate executives of leading organizations, and senior leadership teams. She consults and speaks to a broad range of clients, including Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Deloitte, BASF Corporation, Caterpillar, Ultimate Software, William and Mary University, Skanska, and National Association of Corporate Treasurers.
Sarah is the creator and founder of the Magnificent Leadership® Executive Forum, a unique community of select senior leaders from across the globe. This distinct program brings together front-of-the-pack senior executives from diverse organizations and industries to create a rich ecosystem and generate maximal learning and business growth.
A keynote speaker, Sarah has spoken everywhere from Harvard Kennedy School of Government to American Bankers Association to Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and at large international corporate and association conferences and intimate leadership events and board retreats.
Sarah created The Making Magnificence Project®, an ongoing conversation series capturing portraits in leadership. She is the author of the business book, Magnificent Leadership, a distillation of the essential elements of success gleaned from those remarkable interviews.
Sarah is a recurring columnist for The Financial Manager and coaches in the elite Executive MBA program at The University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler business school. She is a member of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting, Harvard’s Institute of Coaching, and is one of only 84 global consultants inducted into the Million Dollar Consulting® Hall of Fame. She lives in Raleigh, NC.