Stacey Kertsman

Stacey Kertsman

DEI Consultant
Blink Consulting

Stacey is a Senior Consultant on the Blink team. Her practice and leadership in education over the past 25 years includes roles as a classroom teacher, school administrator, board member and/or advisor for NGOs focused on education and social justice issues in South Africa, India, the United States, and the Dominican Republic. She was the founding Director of the Center for Awareness, Compassion, and Engagement at Castilleja School in Palo Alto, CA, where she worked closely with Stanford researchers to develop rubrics to assess the efficacy of youth advocacy and leadership development programming. Along with her work for Blink, Stacey currently consults to non-profits, public school districts, and for-profit corporations on DEI with a lens towards creating transformative learning experiences through constructivist educational practices and a commitment to social justice.