The Best Event Stories are Personal, Individual, and Human. Here’s How You Succeed at Gathering Them

Our Chief Innovation Officer moderated a panel session with three people who’ve mastered the art of outcome-based collaborative storytelling for Gather Voices’ Engage 2021 series. You won’t want to miss it, and it’s launching in just two weeks.

Member Engagement or Bust

A few months ago, we asked a community of registrants from an event series we hosted what aspect of their organization was in the most pressing need of problem solving. That is to say – in which area did they need more effective strategies to tackle their organizational goals. Out of four topics, a whopping 48% said their most pressing need was effective member engagement.

“Engagement” is a broad term that can mean a lot of things. But in the world of events, we’ve got you covered alongside our friends at Gather Voices. Gather Voices is a video relationship management software company designed to drive high engagement, so you can understand why a virtual event production company like us (designed to spark high engagement) would be jumping at the idea of collaborating with them.